The Prayers in our distress

O Allah! My heart is shivering; My hand is trembling; My eyes are flickering; My hairs are standing right up. O Allah,  you are everything; and we are nothing. We need you and; without you we are nothing. O Allah, We believe in you; We trust on you; We believe on your safety: We believe on your security; We believe on your protection. We are nothing without you; O Allah; Forgive us our sins. You have blessed upon us again and again; But we did not acknowledge on it. We did ourself harm yet; You did not destroy us; Because you […]

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Ruáinga ókkol buth dhufí morer

RUÁINGA ÓKKOL BUTH DHUFÍ MORER Arakan or Sándamát tú aiyér dé, Ruáingar buth ekkán Aikkab or Guaillar-Dheil or sor ot mazé dhufí, becá bicí Ruáinga ókkol mori cóyid óigiyói. Sándamát tú Aikkab ot mazé aiyér dé buth íin, dui házar baró (2012) cón or age, Aikkab or bor bazar or gáñth ot ouzi tóu. Dui házar baró (2012) cón ot mazé Mogh ókkol é, Musúlmán ór gór arde duan ókkol fura di, refújír keém gólai di baade loti, buth íin bor-bazar or gáñth ot ouzi noó fare. Aikkab or Guailar-Dheil or gáñth ot ouze. Ipril or 19 tarík 2016 ot […]

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