The Prayers in our distress

O Allah! My heart is shivering; My hand is trembling; My eyes are flickering; My hairs are standing right up. O Allah,  you are everything; and we are nothing. We need you and; without you we are nothing. O Allah, We believe in you; We trust on you; We believe on your safety: We believe on your security; We believe on your protection. We are nothing without you; O Allah; Forgive us our sins. You have blessed upon us again and again; But we did not acknowledge on it. We did ourself harm yet; You did not destroy us; Because you […]

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If the Sea were Ink (Zodi Doijja Cíyai ó)

Say, “If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as a supplement.”-Sura Qáf: Aiya 109 Hoó, “Zodi añár Rob or hotá ókkol [lekí bélla] doijja cíyai ó, añár Rob or hotá ókkol fúraibár agortú doijja ókkol fúrai zaibói, zodi Aññí modot hísafe íin or dhóilla aró aní yo .”    How Rohingya vowel works from Mohammed Siddique on Vimeo.

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Aiyatul Kursír maáni (Meaning of Aiyatul Kursí)

Úde Allah tala maabud de, ar hók de, ziba sára ar honó maabud nái, zibá zinda ar beggún óre támoiyá, zibár tú noó áimmani aiyé, ar noó gúm aiyé, Íbar kobzat mazé zobin, ar asman ar tamám jiníc ókkol, Íbar ejazot sára honnwá asé Íbar sámmè cúwaric gorí bélla? Ziín ítarar fisé asé ar sámmè asé beggún óre Íba yé zane ar honíkka Íbar elóm ór bútottu honó jiníc ór eháta gorí no faré, kintu zeddúr Íba yé saá, Íbar kurisír wasaáte zobin ar asman oré gíri raikké, ar Allah tala íin ór héfazot goróon ót máze óran ói no […]

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A minute mistake in English

A minute mistake in English A minute mistake can change the whole meaning upside down and can even cause a big damage. For example: paradize and paradise though pronounced similarly but can create complete opposite meaning if you google it. Sometimes, the meaning can be taken opposite in different culture and thought. Also if you shrink a sentence badly the meaning can be taken other way around. For example: My English is bad and English is bad. This can hurt someone or some group very badly because English cannot be bad though my English can be bad. Someone might say […]

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Numás ór bútore ar baáre teró (13) wán fóroz (Thirteen obligatory in prayer)

NUMÁS ÓR BÚTORE AR BAÁRE TERÓ (13) WÁN FÓROZ Numás ór bútore ar baáre teró wán fóroz asé. Baáre háñt tan. Bútore só wan. Numás ót mazé teró wán fóroz óttu ekkán una óile numás no óibou. Ótolla teró (13) wán fóroz cíkoon zoruri, zanoon zoruri, ar manoon zoruri. Baáre háñt (7) tan fóroz óilde. [1] Gaa fak óon. [2] Hoór fak óon. [3] Numás ór zaga fak óon. [4] Sotór(gaa) gúroon. [5] Woktó loi foróon. [6] Kiblar íkka muu di tíyoon [Bormát óile fosím míkka muu do, Misír ót óile fuk mikká, dec loi forók]. [7] Ze woktót é […]

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Allahr toiyari (Allah’s Creation)

  ALLAHR TOYARI (Allah’s Creation) Hana sára cúndoijja asman, gorom ola beil, foór óla san, jílimmilíng (miçíng miçíng) gorérde asman or tara ókkol hone banaiyé? Zobin or uore boiyar, boiyar or uore miyúla, miyúla ókkol ór zór, zór or uore bijili, bijili ókkol ór cóçak ókkol hone banaiyé? Fúainna zobin, mur mur doriya, usol usol faár, doriyar zuar báça ókkol honé banaiyé? Hala rañga manúic, gura burá manúic, morot fuain miala fuain, sori háde janwar, uri háde janwar, dóri háde janwar, doriyar mas, nanan dhoilla lok fuk ókkol hone banaiyé? Kérkúça, tottaza háil gas, boro boro gas, nanan dhoilla rong or […]

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Burá manúic uggwá arde fuain tin zon(Old man & three children)

BURÁ MANÚIC UGGWÁ ARDÉ FUAIN TIN ZON အဖိုးအိုႏွင့္ သားသံုးေယာက္ Agor zobanat mazé uggwá burá manuíc aiccíl. Burá manúic íbartu tin zon fuain aiccíl. Ek din ná fuain tiní zon dhaki buágarai. Baade, ekzon oré ekkán ekkán dargwá diyé. Baade, hoórde dargwá iín báñgo. Fuain dé thác thác báñgi félaiye. Tarfore, ar ek motto dargwá fañs sán fañs sán buñda bañdí, ekzon oré ek buñda ek buñda diyé. Baade, hoórde dargwár buñda iín báñgo. Fuain dé becá bicí kucíc gorí saáiye, báñgi noó fare. Baade burá manúic íba yé fuain dóre hoórde, aññí hailla beínna mori zayoum bói. Tuáñra tin nwá […]

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Quran: The losers ( Lurksan wala)

Quran Aiya: 29:52 قُلْ كَفَىٰ بِاللَّهِ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَكُمْ شَهِيدًا ۖ يَعْلَمُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۗ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِالْبَاطِلِ وَكَفَرُوا بِاللَّهِ أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ Hoó, “Añár arde tuáñr bútore Allah dasé kaafí, uggwá gobá hísafe.” Íba zane asman ókkol arde zobin or bútore ki asé. Ar, zará baatel or uore biccác goré ar Allahr uore biccác nogoré, Tará dasé gunári wala.

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