Differences between Rohingya and Bengali
There are different dialects in Rohingya language spoken by Rohingyas in different townships Arakan state (Rakhine) Burma, such like, Mongdú (Maungdaw), Búsidóng (Buthidaung), Akyab (Sittway), Mámbra (Mínbya), Kiokto (Kyauktaw), Kiokpuru (Kyaukpyu), Rasídaung (Rathidaung), Kioknima (Kyauknimaw), Pattárhilla (Mrauk U). As well they are also different from each other in culture, faces, skin colours, and faith such like; hindu, baurgwa, doom, wahabi, sunni, Eesai, anikka, bañal, ruángngia, kaunsi musálman. Some racist Buddhists of Burma say, Rohingya are illegal Bengalis immigrated from Bangladesh in our country, Rohingya are not people of Rohang (Arakan). They speak Bengali language, dress like Bengalis and eat Bengali […]
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