Rohingyalish Training 301

1# Rohingyalish Basic-1 (Ruáingalíc ór Abas ókkol) A => A ibár abas neele dé ( Aa )    foró-> Alagála E => E ibár abas neele dé ( Ee )     foró-> Eçé der I => I ibár abas neele dé ( Ii )        foró-> Bicí Bic O => O ibár abas neele dé ( Oo )    foró-> Norom goró U => U ibár abas neele dé ( Uu )    foró-> Uzuuzú Ou=> Ou ibár abas neele de ( Ou ) foró-> Bou, Lou, Zou, Bouli, Góuli, Zóuli Tóile abas iín óre forí daháile: a,  e,  i, […]

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Rohingya Wiki Book (Ruáinga Wiki Kitab)

Rohingya Alphabet & Pronunciation Alphabet Aa Bb Cc Çç Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Consonants “c” is pronounced as sh in shell. “ç” is pronounced as retroflex r in Rohingya words such as caça and naça meaning mat and closed. “d” is pronounced as d in Dubai. “dh” is pronounced as d in day. “t” is pronounced as t in tooth. “th” is pronounced as t in ten. “ñ” is pronounced as silent n or half n such as in Rohingya words fiañs […]

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Bormá Ruáingar éçe aiccé de (Burma came to Rohingya)

Arakan hóde yían ekkán alok azad dec aiccíl “Arakan or Azad Mullúk – (Independent Kingdom of Arakan)” bóuli hoitóu zeçé Ruáinga ókkol tákitou. Bormá ye larái gorí Arakan oré loifélaiye de. Aijja añárare añárar Arakan dec óttu dáfaibellá boóut dhóilla kucíc ókkol gorér hátta Ruáinga hóde koum íba Bormát nái bóuli hoór. Ótolla Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen é “Ruáinga Bormát nú aiyé, Lékin Bormá Ruáingar éçe aiccé de” bóuli elan gorí hoór. Nise Wikipediar hóbor ot íbar aró maalumat ókkol forí saái faribá.      

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Rohingyas are de jure citizens of Burma (Ruáinga ókkol kaanuní Bormár decóitta)

Rohingyas are de jure citizens of Burma By Aman Ullah “Everyone has the right to a nationality,” and “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights In January 1947, Aung San led a small delegation to Landon to discuss Burma’s political future. The outcome of this visit was ‘Aung San-Atlee Agreement’, which was signed on 27th January 1947. According to that agreement, which said, ‘in order to decide on the future of Burma a Constituent Assembly shall be elected within four months instead of Legislature under the Act of 1935. For this purpose the […]

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Who are Rohingya? (Ruáinga hóde úun honnún?)

  Ruáinga hóde úun Bormár asól bácinda koum. Tará óilde Indu-Ariyen or nosól ókkol. Foóila (1) cót bosór loti Ruáinga ókkol Arakan ot aiccé. Ehón (21) cót bosór soler, maáni 2000 bosór loti Ruáinga ókkol Arakan ot aiccé. Añára (8) cót bosór ót Musúlmán óiyi. Añára Islam din oré mani dé Ruáinga ókkol. Añárar uore 1982 cón or kaanun lagai, agor decótta sinnor kaádh beggín tará loi félaiye, tará abbar noya arekkán kaádh diyoum hoói yóre. Lékin, hókumot e [cekgorí dedé] arekkán kaádh neelai noó de. 1982 kaanun íba yé Ruáinga ré dec sára banai félaiye. Age aiccíl dé kaanun […]

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The Etymology of Magh ( Magh Hontí Aiccé)

The Etymology of Magh By Aman Ullah Mohan Ghosh wrote in his book ‘Magh Raiders of Bengal’ that, “In 8th century under the Hindu revivalist leader, Sankaracharijya, Buddhists in India were persecuted in large-scale. In Magadah, old Bihar of India, Buddhists were so ruthlessly oppressed by chauvinist Hindus and rival Mahayana sect of Buddhists that large numbers of Hinayana Buddhists had been compelled to flee eastward who ultimately found shelter in Arakan under the Chandra kings.” These Buddhist immigrants assumed the name Magh as they have migrated from Magadah. The term Magh suggests that the word is derived from Maghada, […]

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Zindigi hóde uggwá sakka (Life is a circle)

Zindigi hóde uggwá sakka Zindigi óilde ekkán kúci, frecani, mockil arde bála thaim ókkol ór uggwá fak. Zodi tuáñr tú ekkán mockil thaim guzore, zano dé tuáñr tú bála thaim ekkán aiyér.                 Eng. Mohammed Siddique, Founder of Rohingyalish

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Moot arde Jáhannam (Death and Hell)

Moot arde Jáhannam  Añára dabai loi, moot ottú basi bélla kucíc gorí, mogor, añára bála ham loi Jáhannam óttu basibélla kucíc no gorí… Háñsa óilde, añára Jáhannam óttu basi faijjoum, lékin moot ottú basi no faijjóum! Death and Hell We try to avoid Death with medicines, but we do not try to avoid Hell with good deeds… The Truth is we can avoid Hell but cannot avoid Death! By Eng. Mohammed Sidique

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Hóro thaiyon (Tomato)

Hóro Thaiyon Hóro thaiyon óre Ingilíc ót tomato bouli hoó. Añárar zuban ot kessú maincé seróf thaiyon bouli hoó. Baiyon arde thaiyon nam ekkán lói ekkán bicí bone. Hóro thaiyon or rong kisím kisím óit fare zeén néki bicí lal, hom lal, óilodda yá keñsa háil rong. Daktor ókkol é hoóde adá keñsa háil mikka thaiyon gaar lá bicí gom, ebbre lal thaiyon ottú áro. Thaiyon or fáaida ókkol becá bicí asé. Thaiyon dasé gaat lá sóbse beétor óde hánar bútore asé. Gaar lou sáf goríbélla sóbse bicí gom, ziyán é gaat mazé gáa arde feñsara óitou node. Aró háñtdhi’lla […]

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