The Etymology of Arakan (once an independent country)

Aman Ullah RB History April 23, 2015 Arakan is the North-western region of the Union of Burma. It is a narrow mountainous strip of land with 360 miles costal belt from the Bay of Bengal. It covers an area of about 20, 000 sq. miles. It is now reduced to 14,200 sq. miles. Arakan is only Muslims majority region among the 14 regions of Burma. The word Arakan is definitely of Arabic or Persian origin having the same meaning in both these languages. It is the corruption of the word Al-Rukun. There exists some controversy about the origin of the […]

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Muslim Poets in the Court of Medieval Arakan (2)

Muslim Poets in the Court of Medieval Arakan (2) By Aman Ullah POET ALAOL The poet Alaol was the most prominent of all the poets of Roshang, in fact he was one of the greatest Bengali poets of the 17th century, and some scholars say that he was Rabindranath Thakur of the 17th century. From his own testimony, it is known that he was the son of a minister of Majlis Qutb of Fathabad in Bengal. He along with his father was going by boat, on the way they were met by Firingi pirates. The parties fought for some time, […]

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Muslim Poets in the Court of Medieval Arakan (1)

Muslim Poets in the Court of Medieval Arakan (1) By Aman Ullah One of the prominent features of socio-cultural history of Arakan in the 17th century was the extensive Muslim influence on the Arakan society, which was not an outcome of some sudden occurrences. It was a result of an age-long intercourse between Arakan and Muslim countries that dated back to the period of Arab contacts with Arakan during the reign of Maha-Taing Tsandaya (788-810 AD). Various historians and scholars have recorded that Islam began to spread from the eastern bank of Meghna to Arakan since eighth and ninth centuries, […]

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